Thursday, December 8, 2011

Between Space & Time

For this final assignment, I found myself playing around with the instrumentals to two of my favorite songs (Rude Boy and I should've kissed you). I originally wanted the images I took from assignment 3 to match with the beat of the song, but doing so was too hard. So instead I chose a rhythm of my own that went along with both songs.

As I got further into my 7 minute video, I found myself adding effects to some but not all the images in my video. I found that process interesting. 

Both songs have an echo effect covering them to make the track sound more interesting. The first song is more of a soft tone and the second song is more up beat and faster. 

I chose to use the images from my third assignment because I enjoyed the variety of colors. 

I am satisfied with the video I came to make. If I could go back and change things around, I would add more layering of the images and work more with the rhythm in depth. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Working with Time in Final Cut

Throughout this assignment, I found myself messing around with multiple images trying to discover what images went well with others. Images I thought would work well with each other, didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. When I first started out, my first three videos consisted of only two images flipping back and forth. 

I tried not to play around with the actual effects when working in final cut, but more so playing around with each images intensity and appearance. 

As I continue to play around with final cut, I find myself adding more intensity, increasing/decreasing speed and appearance. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Interpretive Self Portrait Collage

My interest in the materials and objects I've chosen is the meaning behind them all. The materials I've chosen represent my life from childhood to present time. I've chosen things that represent my personality and things that inspire me to do the things I do. I love my family and any and everything I do is because of them and my 15 images represents just that.

All my images represent some type of feeling. More so on the happy side. For example, my images with my graduation things in it, represents my excitement from graduating high school. If it weren't for my family, I wouldn't be where I am today. Their support means the world to me.

All my images are related due to the fact they all represent my life. I can see them being grouped together, especially the ones with my baby picture in them and my graduation stuff. I tried not to change to much on my material. Although not all of my images have all three types of imagery combined, I like the way most turned out. I didn't want to over crowd the image with multiple things.

The inspiration for all 15 images came from Latoya Jackson's song "Home." A song that talks about family being important, remembering the memories everyone shares even though everyone eventually goes their separate way to fulfill their dreams. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Man-made and Found Object

When given this assignment, I had no idea what material I was going to use. During the process of scanning, I just grabbed random objects from my room. Some of the material are things I use almost everyday, the rest of the material are objects that have been laying around for who knows how long. 

Some of the designs are in patterns. Most images were randomly placed. I had no plan for each scanned image but I think I did a good job with creating these 15 final images for this assignment.

The images were made separate but I can definitely see them being in a group of 2-4's due to colors and patterns. I had fun with this assignment. My favorite part was messing with the colors.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Seanogram: Natural and Organic

My interest in the materials I've chosen are the colors, shapes and sizes. I'm an individual born in the fall, so I was inspired by the nature fall brings. I've arranged them in this way out of interest in the way my material went together as a whole. Each image was arranged out of randomness. If I like the way they looked through the scanner, I kept it.

Most of my images represent some type of pattern, whether it was in a row or if the materials were the same or different color. None of my images express an idea. I mostly played around with the way they were laid out and the variations of color.

All my images were created separately, although some images have repeated materials from other images. I can see some of them being grouped together, for example, my images that consist of the bark and red flower pedals. If those were grouped together, it would represent similarity through color and repetition. 

Throughout this project, I mainly messed with levels, curves, vibrance, color balance, saturation, filters/textures, shadows/highlights, brightness/contrast, exposure, hue and layers (opacity, fill). I'm not 100% familiar or confident with photoshop, so I did what I knew I could. For the most part I liked how I scanned my material into the computer, so I stayed away from fully trying to change my images.